sex Secrets

The filmmakers are some of India’s finest, and the stories, which tackle issues that can often be taboo in Indian filmmaking, are beautifully rendered. Need further convincing? Lust Stories

Another study shows that sexual activity can provide full or partial relief from migraines and cluster headaches.

Use your eyes. We often communicate with people without using any words at all, and the universal sexy language is the language of the eyes. Try looking at someone through your lashes with a playful smile on your face, and then occasionally look away as you talk to them.[1] X Research source

If you have endometriosis, you know that its effects extend beyond your monthly period. Here's how you can minimize pain and discomfort during sex.

Confidence is the number one most sexy quality. Even people who don't have much to offer in the looks department can still manage to come across as sexy if they balance confidence with other attractive qualities, like personality, charm, and humor.[5] X Research source

It’s a buffet of hot onscreen action—what other show has orgies in each season, or characters who can switch in and out of one another’s naked bodies?

Give every sign of being a good mate. People naturally find evolutionary advantages to being sexy, even when they aren't looking for something long-term. Be good here with kids (even if you don't like them or don't want them yourself) and be kind and helpful to everyone around you.

It’s a fascinating biopic about a woman who clearly enjoys her own sexual liberation and who’s seeking to normalize what were once considered taboo subjects.

Eric's trauma isolates him, and Maeve's essay wins a prize. Otis tries to hook up with Lily, but his deep-seated issues get in the way.

Sex can help you connect to your partner, thanks to oxytocin. Oxytocin can play a role in developing relationships. You may find that consistent, mutual sexual pleasure helps with bonding within a relationship.

The same tends to go for your clothes: skinny jeans or leggings, which show off the natural curve of your legs, are preferred over flare legged pants. Try styling yourself utilizing contrasting colors. If you wear light colors on your top half, wear dark colors on your bottom half.

Generate consistent, on-brand visuals by creating a personalized AI model using your organization's assets.

This quirky French comedy stars Sarah Stern as Simone, a young lesbian who has been living with her girlfriend, Claire, but has never come out to her family.

Some research suggests the rhythmic nature of sex and sexual stimulation creates a physical-psychological loop of pleasure.

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